Home Languages Developers Organizations Search You HTML Jupyter Notebook Official Code for the paper "A Geometric Analysis of Deep Generative Image Models and Its Applications" A short script to re-format the key point coordinate data got from ImageJ (txt) into format (hdf5) required by DeepLabCut to make training dataset. Project to analysis whole cell recording voltage trace in mice's auditory cortex , evoked by tones Code to do in silico visual experiment, developing new optimization algorithms and analyze coding structure of GAN Investigate the information transfer in Synfire Chain network MATLAB Codes to generate morphable mask as occluder or spotlight for image presentation Making GIF demos for Psychophysical experiments and Visual illusions Python Adapt from google FFN-master add notes and custom variation and parallelization (for windows and our data) implementation of music transformer with pytorch (ICLR2019) Simple implementation of 2048 in python. Command line and pygame interface. Compute CNN receptive field size in pytorch in one line