Walter Jenkins 30 2 97 22 8 No Language STL-GeoJson-Data 3 0 A repo with just geojson data that the city only hosts as shapefiles books 1 0 A personal library of books in pdf and mobi formats TitleVI-Analysis 1 0 Automated Title VI Analysis for Metro Saint Louis using ArcPy gitignore 0 1 A collection of useful .gitignore templatesHTML walterkjenkins 0 1 Walter Jenkins portfolio siteJavaScript BusStopManager_Install 1 0 STL-311 1 0 Visualizing Open311 requests CensusViz 0 1 ArcGIS API Census Vizualization || This project used the ArcGIS Javascript API to demonstrate my understanding of the API. This Map looks at vizualizing census information and will switch through different vizualizations based on HTML buttons. || html, js, arcgis-api historical-dash 0 1 Python GTFSRT-parsing 5 2 Script will pull GTFS and GTFS-RT trips and vehicle positions in hopes to serve as a Hosted Feature Service. GTFS_Statistics_Library 3 1 Using pandas and shapely to manipulate a gtfs for usage in GIS data vizualizations MetroSTL-Esri-ETL 1 0 NextJS-Django-Template 1 0 HealthEquityHack 0 1 Pretty Fly for an API - Submission for Health Equity HackTypeScript GeoStack 3 0 A Geospatial Stack with Remix, Drizzle and PostGres Blues-Stack-Railway-Template 1 0 1 0