Tae-Hyuk Ahn, Ph.D. http://cs.slu.edu/~ahn/ Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, Saint Louis University 24 0 16 36 15 Python MegaD 7 3 Deep learning for metagenomic sample classification GIST-AI-HPC-2024 0 2 GIST AI-HPC TutorialR MegaR 9 3 megaR: An Interactive R Package for Metagenomic Sample Classification and Disease Prediction using Microbiota and Machine Learning LONGO 7 4 Gene Length-Dependent Expression Analysis Tool in Neuronal Cells iCAT 6 1 iCAT: Immune Cells Analysis software Tool Rchimerism 2 1 Interactive R Package for Automation of Chimerism Test Data AnalysisScala SORA 5 1 Scalable Overlap-Graph Reduction Algorithms for Genome Assembly using Apache Spark on Cloud