Chandra Prakash Bathula chandu.bathula16@gmail.comMachine Learning Practitioner | Data Scientist | Full Stack Developer. 18 0 77 120 5 No Language Flexbox-Froggy-Solutions 2 0 This repository contains all the solutions of the Flex-Box froggy game. Grid-Garden-Solutions 2 0 This repository contains all the solutions of grid-garden game. Resume 2 0 chandu270 1 0 Config files for my GitHub profile. MLOpsresume 1 0 MLOps ResumeCSS todolist-v1 1 0 HTML Full-Stack-Web-Development 5 0 Full Stack Web Development repository ! This repository is dedicated to providing comprehensive resources and examples covering the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) stack, along with fundamental web development technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Personal-WebSite 4 0 A Personal Website comprised of HTML & CSS. PetDogs 4 0 A website to get pet dogs only-html-portfolio-techrevamp 3 0 Full Stack Web Development from scratch resume-in-html 3 0 dev days using only html ApiTest 1 4 Calculator 1 0 cv 1 0 simplejQuery 1 0 JavaScript Blog 4 0 DrumKit 4 0 DrumKit using Javascript, HTML5, CSS and JavaScript GAME 4 0 A GAME built using JavaScript, Html and CSS. Netflix-clone 3 0 Netflix Clone hosted in Firebase ContactCard-React 2 0 disney-clone 2 0 Disney Clone Hosted in Firebase Food-Recipe-App 2 0 Infected-Tracker 2 0 Keeper-React 2 0 React-Resume-Template 2 0 restaurant-app 2 0 Take-Away 2 0 Food-DeliveryApp Timer-React 2 0 Todo-React 2 0 Button-React 1 0 Dice 1 0 EmojiDictionary-React 1 0 Encyclopedia-API 1 0 Express-server 1 0 Fruits-Pro 1 0 Hunger-Bites-Restaurant_App 1 0 A React.JS Application with live API data from SWIGGY. Introductory-Node 1 0 Live-Weather 1 0 Pager-App 1 0 Reactive 1 0 RegistrationForm-React 1 0 Todolist 1 0 TubeFlix 1 0 Welcome to TubeFlix, a top-tier video streaming platform built with React, Tailwind CSS, and YouTube's API, featuring advanced video browsing, dynamic search, complete playback controls, and intelligent recommendations across all devices. viz-flix-gpt 1 0 Experience the fusion of OpenAI's GPT services and TMDB's extensive movie database in our React application. With features like Redux store, React Router DOM, and Tailwind CSS, enjoy seamless browsing and personalized movie suggestions. AI-powered platform! 🍿🎬Jupyter Notebook Apparel-Recommendations 15 0 This project implements a personalized apparel recommendation engine using content-based search with the Amazon API, NLTK, and Keras libraries. Hierarchical-Clustering 3 0 Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm on Wine Clustering data with dendograms visualization. K-Means-Clustering-Algorithm 2 0 K-Means Clustering Algorithm LLM_Finance_Project 2 0 LLM_Project 2 0 DBSCAN-Density-Based-Clustering- 1 0 Density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN) Deep-Learning 1 0 Keywords_Prediction-Machine-Learning-Integration 1 0 Keywords Prediction Model Built the Model By: Data Cleaning Removing Stopwords Constructing Word2vec Advancing to TF-IDF Weighted Word2vec. Machine-Learning 1 0 Exploratory Data Analysis of Haberman Dataset Movie-Recommendation-System 1 0 A Comparative Machine Learning Case Study: Movie Recommendation System Using Collaborative Filtering and Content-Based Filtering New_York_Taxi_Prediction 1 0 PythonForML 1 0 TV-SHOW-RECOMMENDATIONS 1 0 TV Shows recommendation system using cosine-similarity in ML with the help of TMDB dataset 🍿🎬.Python Cartooning 3 0 Face-Detection 1 0 Live-Detection 1 0 Project-E 0 1 Shell Authentication 1 0