David Chopin https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-chopin-505689121/ I code and play chess. Я также изучаю русский язык. 11 2 52 8 8 C++ Maestro-cpp 2 1 Maestro, but in C++ Dart flutter_widget_from_html_core 1 1 betterplayer 0 1 Better video player for Flutter, with multiple configuration options. Solving typical use cases! platform_maps_flutter 0 1 A Flutter package to provide the native maps to Android/iOS Java tree-run-helper 0 1 An external plugin to help with tree runs. JavaScript ellies-instagram-scraper 0 1 Objective-C vimeoplayer 0 1 Swift PrepareForSegue 2 0 UpsellViewController 2 0 UpsellViewController is a library that lets you create customizable alert view controllers that pitch products to your app's users. FirebaseLoginSignup 1 0 TeamProject 0 1