David Zemon https://david.zemon.name 20 5 80 24 21 No Language PropGCCBuilder 1 0 Docker image to build PropGCC, a GCC compiler for the Parallax Propeller bulkuseradd 0 2 phpBB - Adds the ability to add users from an Excel spreadsheet or a CSV fileC++ libArduino 0 1 The Arduino library for the Parallax Propellerchip.CMake JumpstartedSkeleton 1 0 Sample output from the davidzemon/jumpstart Docker image PropWare-Build 0 1 CMake build system for the Parallax PropellerDM CadenceProject 3 2 Java LearnSpring 4 5 Learn Spring, why we use it, and how to use some of its modules: Core, MVC, JDBC CrewCallerKata_Intellij 2 1 Demonstrate as many differences between Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA as possible in a single project. LearnSpring_Extras 1 0 TeamCity.ConanPlugin 0 1 A plugin for TeamCity server allowing you to create and upload Conan artifacts with multiple settings and optionsJavaScript KatieMarriesDavid 1 0 Website content for KatieMarriesDavid.com LearnCMake 1 0 Slide content for learning CMake passport-okta-oauth 0 4 Passport strategy for authenticating with Okta using OAuth 2.0.Python jumpstart 2 0 Create a new C/C++ project using CMake and Conan MigrateTeamCityToS3 2 4 Python 3 scripts that migrate existing TeamCity artifacts to Amazon's S3 cloud storage ConwaysGameOfLife_Python 1 0 Rust SccaSoloPointsCalculator 3 0 Points and championship placements calculator for SCCA Solo (Autocross) events obex-server-rust 2 0 Read-only access to the Parallax Object Exchange (OBEX)