Elliot Voris http://elliot.voris.me elliot@voris.meI'm Elliot. I'm your friend. 40 22 129 16 6 No Language passkey-kit 1 0 TS SDK for creating and managing Stellar smart wallets soroban-dapps-challenge 1 0 Dapps for the Soroban Dapps ChallengeC HeadFirstC 1 1 Examples and samples from the book HeadFirst CJavaScript sq-badge-checker 1 1 Use this simple app to show off to all your friends about how much stellar work you've done. Go ahead, give it a try!Perl YNABLinuxInstall 1 0 Install script for YNAB 4 on LinuxPython ec-crawler-stellar 1 0 Finds Stellar related projects on Github and updates the Electric Capital Crypto Ecosystems list soroban-rpc-postman 0 1 Here lies RPC requests made from postman to a Soroban-RPC endpointRust project-kalefail 2 0 A collection of experiments and riffs based on kalepail's (amazing!) work ec-crypto-ecosystems 0 1 A taxonomy for open source cryptocurrency, blockchain, and decentralized ecosystemsSvelte meridian-roller 2 0 Play stupid games. Win stupid prizes. ye-olde-guestbook 2 1 stellar-wallet-examples 0 1 TypeScript hm2024 2 0 soroban-template-sveltekit-passkeys 2 0 A Stellar template to get started building a passkeys-powered dapp, using SvelteKit