Gary Bortosky Enthused hobbyist 7 0 47 46 8 JavaScript generator-webpack-ts 10 2 Yeoman generator for a TypeScript webapp with webpack and optional workbox plugin generator-webpack-2-typescript 9 1 Yeoman generator for webpack 2 and typescript generator-lerna-typescript 3 0 Scaffold monorepos with Lerna and TypeScript tooling ts-dgml 3 0 TypeScript and Directed Graph Markup LanguageTypeScript gb-generators 9 2 my Yeoman generators gb-nx 4 0 Some miscellaneous NX plugins venv 3 0 Use build- or release-time environment variables in your javascript project angular-pwa 2 0 bare-bones angular with serviceWorker and fontawesome gulp-ng-dgml 2 1 Create a directed graph document from your angularjs modules gb-xmi 1 0 create XMI documents with JavaScript gb-date-formatter 0 1 A small date formatting utility module for just my needs homer-ng 0 1 How far from home are you?