Hanyang Liu https://sites.google.com/view/hliu/home hanyang.liu@wustl.eduPhD student in Computer Science 15 0 72 23 10 No Language Joslim 1 0 Official codebase for our paper "Joslim: Joint Widths and Weights Optimization for Slimmable Neural Networks"Matlab BCLS 9 2 MATLAB code of "Balanced Clustering with Least Square Regression" SOGE 7 5 MATLAB code for "Semi-supervised Orthogonal Graph Embedding with Recursive Projections"Python HiPAL 5 1 Code for KDD'22 Applied Data Science Track submission -- HiPAL: A Deep Framework for Physician Burnout Prediction Using Activity Logs in Electronic Health Records Hypoxemia-MLPred 1 2 Machine learning based hypoxemia prediction