Tal justtal@protonmail.comGo and Java programmer 91 3 43 408 55 No Language bedrock-emotes 101 14 A collection of all Minecraft: Bedrock Edition emote UUIDs currently in the game.Go go-hcaptcha 151 25 A Go library for solving hCaptchas with any image recognition API. worldcompute 29 0 live-computation, parsing, and saves of minecraft: bedrock servers pixelart 13 1 A pixel art generation tool for Minecraft/Dragonfly. hcaptcha-solver-api 10 2 An hCaptcha solver API based on my package. worldrenderer 8 1 render minecraft: bedrock worlds using dragonfly mumblelink 4 0 A library to allow you to easily integrate the Mumble link API using Go. nbs 4 0 A note block song parser for legacy Note Block Studio and Open Note Block Studio. chunker 3 0 A library that allows you to send requests to the Chunker site. expresso 3 1 A library designed for hosting Minecraft: Java Edition listeners. libvote 2 0 A vote botting wrapper for GoLang designed for Minecraft: Pocket Servers. aoc2022 1 0 My solutions for Advent of Code 2022. mcanvil 1 0 The Minecraft Java Edition Anvil format, and methods to convert to other formats. omegle 1 0 An Omegle wrapper for Go, built from the ground up and designed to be concurrency safe. playfab 1 3 A basic Go wrapper for PlayFab, specifically for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition. pmf 1 0 A implementation for the legacy PocketMine 1.3 chunk format mainly for conversion to the latest Bedrock format. schem 1 0 An implementation of the post-1.13 schematic format (v2) for dragonfly. voxelraytrace 1 0 A Go implementation of a voxel ray trace algorithmJava TunnelMC 2 2 Connect to Minecraft Bedrock Edition servers from Minecraft Java Edition.PHP HiveCorruptor 38 1 The best solution to solidify your position in the MCPE server space. pizzaplug 27 5 Buy Domino's pizza from MCPE! AntiLoginForger 6 0 A quite hacky work around to prevent login replay attacks on PM3 servers.