Kerrick Long me@kerricklong.comDirector of Engineering at @secondstreet (views my own). 49 35 91 445 139 No Language FreshBookMark 8 6 Chrome Web App for Freshbooks 1 5 1 0 site steampowered-antp-widget 1 0 This is a widget for Awesome New Tab Page that takes up a 1x1 square with Random Steam Game functionality. trail-map 1 0 Trails to help designers and developers learn various topics. js-must-watch 0 1 Must-watch videos about javascriptC cwwav 12 4 Command line tool to generate morse code sound files from text or stdinCSS node-webkit-tomster-seed 42 3 Build desktop apps using Ember.jsHTML 1 0 My online resumeJavaScript readability-js 169 49 Since the original was abandoned to start a web service, I'm now going to attempt to maintain the JS+CSS portion Mostly-Harmless 53 20 A reddit extension for Google Chrome githabit 25 1 Use Github webhooks with HabitRPG! dot-popper 1 0 An experimental foray into both game development and statically typed languages. fancy-settings 1 0 Create fancy, chrome-look-alike settings for your Chrome or Safari extension in minutes! Reddit-NSFW 1 1 A Chrome extension to open NSFW links on in an Incognito window. mtg-tools 0 1 Tools for Magic: The Gathering playersPHP mtgcoverage 0 1 A mirror of's source code and database.Ruby google 117 45 This utility used the retiderd Google Web Search API. Please use `googler` instead: project-euler-ruby 5 2 My solutions to Project Euler problems in Ruby. tpp 3 0 Github repo of tpp, originally written by Andreas Krennmair <> and Nico Golde <>. reverse-markdown 1 0 convert html into markdown for editing with wmdeditor - testing state!VimL dotfiles 2 0 My dotfiles. 'Nuff said.