Nathan Dauber 9 2 42 31 11 No Language greaseMonkeyScripts 1 0 coding-challenges 0 1 This repo is full of code problems that we use to evaluate your skill set. Please pick a few problems to attempt and then send me an email with the location to view your work.C# DicomSharp 6 3 C# library for DICOM protocol CSE520S 3 0 CustomizableRss 1 0 LostPets 1 0 Rephoto 1 0 Erlang Megalodon 1 0 JavaScript jsdicom 2 0 dicom library and viewer in javascript node-js-upload 1 0 Stupid simple node.js webservice that accepts any file that is given to itMatlab HazeRemoval 4 6 CSE559-FaceDetector 3 1 CSE559-HybridImages 3 0 Implement Hybrid Images paper by Oliva, Torralba and Shyns, from SiGGRAPH 2006. CSE559-Project2 2 0 Python CSE517-project1 2 0