Quan Nguyen https://krisnguyen135.github.io/ nguyenminhquan135@gmail.comHuel drinker 115 0 16 107 52 Jupyter Notebook bayesian-optimization-in-action 84 36 Source code for Bayesian Optimization in Action, published by Manning Deep-Learning-with-Google-Colab 8 8 GitHub repository for the Deep Learning with Google Colab online course, published by BPB Publications Genetic-Jigsaw-Solver 5 2 A genetic-algorithm approach to solving jigsaw puzzles Talks 5 4 Repository of my talks drew3_cs 1 0 FairBayesianOpt 1 0 multifidelity-active-search 1 0 Code for Nonmyopic Multifidelity Active Search Project-Euler 1 0 Solutions for Project Euler problems, written in PythonPython gibo 1 0 PythonSecurityEC 0 2