Leo https://lei-kun.github.io/ Robotics, Deep reinforcement learning, Offline RL,combinatorial optimization problem 228 0 18 627 106 No Language FJSP-benchmarks 56 7 The public benchmark instances of flexible job shop scheduling problem FJSPDRL 3 0 The code and data will be published after accepting our paper leikun-starting 3 0 koptimizer 2 0 paper 2 0 Reading List zcaicaros 2 0 BPPO 1 0 Author's Pytorch implementation of ICLR2023 paper Behavior Proximal Policy Optimization (BPPO). mnist_challenge 1 0 A challenge to explore adversarial robustness of neural networks on MNIST. JavaScript Lei-Kun.github.io 1 0 https://Lei-Kun.github.io/ leikun-start.github.io 1 0 Personal website Python End-to-end-DRL-for-FJSP 236 55 This is the official code of the publised paper 'A Multi-action Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework for Flexible Job-shop Scheduling Problem' DRL-and-graph-neural-network-for-routing-problems 175 24 This is the official code for the published paper 'Solve routing problems with a residual edge-graph attention neural network' Dispatching-rules-for-FJSP 76 12 This is the official code for the baseline methods of the publised paper 'A Multi-action Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework for Flexible Job-shop Scheduling Problem' MIP-model-for-FJSP-and-solved-by-Gurobi 39 8 the mixed-integer programming model for flexible job shop scheduling problem is solved by gurobi Uni-O4 29 0 Author's Pytorch implementation of our ICLR 2024 paper "Uni-O4"