Neil McNeight 36 3 292 250 108 No Language 65xx_Library 2 0 KiCad library for 65xx (like 6502 CPU) parts DotSkeinforge 1 0 My .skeinforge directory SparkFun-KiCad-Libraries 1 0 SparkFun's KiCad Libraries w65c816sxb-hacker 1 0 A tool for modifying the firmware on your WDC W65C816SXB Development Board X3NavalD 1 0 Computer-Aided Boat-Design software written in Java.Assembly x64lab 1 0 Automatically exported from GLsat 2 0 Canbus 1 2 Code from SK Pang Electronics Canbus ECU Reader Project Arduino sketchC# CheukEdit 7 1 Console text editor written in C# and using CursesSharp, based on the "NCURSES Terminal Text Editor Tutorial" MathM 5 1 C# math library for supporting the decimal type WpfFolderBrowser 4 3 Satellite 2 3 C# code for the simplified perturbations models (SGP, SGP4, SDP4, SGP8 and SDP8) used to calculate orbital state vectors of satellites, and for manipulating TLE (Two-Line Element set) files. 6502Net 1 1 6502 Emulator in C# Be.HexEditor 1 1 HEX editor application and Windows Forms control written in C# CursesSharp 1 1 Curses Sharp is a ncurses terminal control library binding for C#. SharpDSP 1 1 Archive of, and updating to, Phil Covington's SharpDSP library for C#. SharpGPS 1 0 GPS library for .NET. Supports parsing of NMEA, relaying raw RTCM data either through custom protocol, or via NTRIP for enhanced accuracy. SixtyFive 1 1 Simulator for 65xx CPUs bless 0 1 Bless - Gtk# Hex Editor Renamer 0 1 Easy to use massive file renamer SharpZipLib 0 2 SharpZipLib (#ziplib, formerly NZipLib) is a compression library for Zip, GZip, BZip2 and Tar written entirely in C# for .NET tar-cs 0 1 Automatically exported from CAN_Library 95 43 Multiplatform Arduino library for supporting the native CAN controller on Due (SAM3X) and Teensy 3.1 (K2X) as well as MCP2515 through SPI MemoryFree 77 25 Arduino MemoryFree library. Hosting it on github for easy access. arducross 12 5 Arduino based CAN bus reader and logger for vehicle information important to autocross racers VirtualT 8 5 VirtualT is a TRS-80 Model 100/102/200 emulator that runs on Windows, Linux, and Macintosh. LiquidCrystal_SSD1306 7 1 Text only library for monochrome organic light-emitting diode (OLED) displays. For all Arduino boards. TinySSD1306 2 1 dillo 1 0 Fork of Dillo, a multi-platform graphical web browser mickey 1 0 Mickey is a simple cross platform hex editor. Thanks to FLTK, it can be compiled on most common platforms. CAN 0 1 This library is intended for use with the FazCAN shield for Arduino and the Arduino 1.0 (or later) development environment. For instructions, please follow the link below. Fl_Scintilla 0 1 Port of Scintilla to FLTK wscitecm 0 1 SciTE Context Menu ExtensionForth forth2012-test-suite 1 0 Test programs for Forth 2012 and ANS Forth forth-ans 1 0 Contributed ANS Forth TestsHTML FLDev 1 0 FLDev is an IDE designed for older systems and small C/C++ Applications and is based on the Editor described in the FLTK Manual. NUnit-HTML-Report-Generator 1 1 Convert NUnit generated XML result files into a self-contained Bootstrap based HTML pageJava boatCalc 4 0 Make boat design calculations based on the linesplan of a boat hull.Processing optiboot 0 1 Small and Fast Bootloader for Arduino and other Atmel AVR chipsPython MCAD 2 1 OpenSCAD Parametric CAD Library (LGPL 2.1)Ruby eagleUp 1 1 My eagleUp repository for plug-in updates and part warehouseVisual Basic HexEditorVB 2 1