Thomas Jackson Park Thomas is proficient in Python and a number of coding languages. He is the co-author of the GenerIter module. See the "Portfolio" tab. 112 0 125 16 8 No Language data-analytics 1 3 This repo holds the curriculum necessary for the Savvy Coders Data Analytics with Python course. Portfolio-Thomas_Park 1 0 Here are materials pertaining to the coding career of Thomas Park (mystifiedthomas at gmail dot com)C# ImportCSV 0 1 A simple c# MVC application that allows a user to import and list data from a csv file ShapelabPersistent 0 1 A c# program in which users can create, explore, edit and save any of a number of shapesHTML BFFStream 0 1 Some code for integrating a Generative environment with the BFF-FM networkPython GameOfMusic 4 0 This is a version of Dominik Moritz' Code, Using Conway's Game Of Life and Applying It To Audible Tones Rachel 3 0 Here is a set of codes I am working on to try out a "Dream Logic" with a PC-- where files are associated or "remixed" according to inner logic or on a loosely temporal basis. I want to remove file name and strict temporal arrangement for certain aesthetic situations. DAPSupplementalCode 2 0 BatchDeleter 1 0 Deletes all .WAV files from a particular directory BatchDownloader 1 0 Downloads files from a txt list PyDeelay 1 0 Uses PyDub to create a Randomized Delay on WAV files, and is capable of Batch processing SimpleSpeechSynth 1 0 Good For The Female Google Voice Offline, Saves File TomBedroom 0 1 I had wanted to re-create a sort of "Max Headroom" figure.Visual Basic PainterGraph 1 1 VB Code to make a graph using buttons as pixels