Sean Davis Veteran, Developer, Student, & Technologist. 129 144 23 71 23 CSS _s-easy-digital-downloads 34 7 The Underscores (_s) Starter Theme tweaked and integrated with Easy Digital Downloads enterprise-lite 6 1 This is the version of the Enterprise theme by presentation-lite 1 1 Free WordPress Theme - this is the base version available for download on The full version supports bbPress and Easy Digital Downloads as well as more features and color schemes. Check out the full version.PHP simple-course-creator 17 10 Simple Course Creator is a WordPress plugin designed to easily link posts together in a series and output that series list in the content of each included post. twentyfourteen-edd 6 0 An Easy Digital Downloads ready child theme for WordPress' Twenty Fourteen theme full-width_s 4 3 A full-width HTML structure for the '_s' (Underscores) starter theme by Automattic. An explanation of the minimal HTML changes and CSS additions have been described in the file. Credit Automattic for the starter theme as well as the README description minus my additions. simple-course-creator-front-display 1 0 On the blog home, archives, and search results, indicate that posts are part of a course. volatyl 1 0 Volatyl Framework for WordPress simple-course-creator-post-meta 0 1 SCC Post Meta is an add-on for the Simple Course Creator plugin that introduces post meta information below post titles.R MO-insights 1 0 INFSYS6830 - Group Project R Programming