Tim I Hely http://axolstudio.com tim@axolstudio.comFather, game developer, writer, designer, programmer, business owner, maker of things from St Louis, Mo 60 0 50 43 19 No Language FlxExperiment-GUM 5 1 Procedurally Generated mountain with two autonomous AI-driven races (Humans above ground, Dwarfs below). Each race will aquire resources to build homes for itself which will allow them to increase their population. Randomized each time you start. Takes awhile to get started. SeiferTim 1 0 TheAtlasProject 1 0 HaxeFlixel-FlxRGBShiftSprite-Demo 0 1 Demo for FlxRGBShiftSprite ClassActionScript FlxExperiment-BlackHole 2 0 Abandoned shooter game made in flixel. Flixel-Showcase--Fall 1 0 An experimental special effect. january 0 1 Generative music tool that involves licking snowflakes.Haxe BallGame 6 3 A Game About All the Balls T1GAM-MAR 6 0 Tim's 1-Game-a-Month Game for March flixius 4 0 Simple Space Shooter game to teach basics of HaxeFlixel HaxeFlixel-GUM 3 0 HaxeFlixel version of my GUM experiment SciFestGame 3 1 A game I made in < 8 hours during the St Louis Science Center's SciFest on 5/13/17 T1GAM-FEB 3 0 My 1 Game a Month for February GameJam-Apr-14 2 1 AoC2021 1 0 Advent of Code 2021 GGJ-2015 1 1 GGJ2016 1 2 HaxeFlixel-FlxWaveSprite-Demo 1 0 hf-january 1 4 HaxeFlixel port of January by Rich Vreeland STLGameDevArcade 1 1 GGJ2023 0 2 The Repo for our GGJ 2023 Game HaxeFlixel-FlxAsyncLoop-Demo 0 1 Demonstration Project for FlxAsyncLoop