Weizhi Du weizhi-du.github.io d.weizhi@wustl.eduB.S. Computer Science and Financial Engineering student at Washington University in St. Louis 7 0 29 15 8 CSS duxchange 3 4 This project predicts stock prices using a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) neural network. It fetches historical stock data using Yahoo Finance API, preprocesses data for training, trains an LSTM model, a recurrent neural network (RNN), for prediction, and visualizes actual vs. predicted stock prices.HTML intro-to-flask-guide 1 0 This project demonstrates how to create a basic Flask web application with an HTML/CSS or React frontend and Python backend with the starter code provided.Java statistics-calculator 0 2 A simple emulator for the stats function in graphing calculatorMATLAB coalition-control-model 9 2 Coalition Control Model(CCM) based on Model Predictive Control(MPC) with a fishing model to distribute fishing fleets to maximize fish caught with exhaustive/heuristic search. Our method introduces communication mechanisms to allow individuals to merge/split, after which new coalitions can be automatically formed through the Nash-Bargaining processTypeScript odoru 2 0 This web app allows users to dance alongside a dancer video displayed in the web UI, while their movements are captured via a webcam. The app detects the user's skeleton in real-time using a computer vision model, compares their movements, and provides a time-based score based on the similarity of their skeleton moves.