Christopher Cruzen 13 0 35 79 10 C# AerialDrift 7 2 A relaxing RC flight simulator built in Unity for UMSL's Game Dev course. UnitySandbox 1 0 The first step on two brothers' journey toward building our own universe.C++ Sandbox 2 0 A found family's journey toward building our own universe.Java Halo2ASoundRestoration 8 1 A script for restoring classic audio to the entire Halo 2 Anniversary campaign. HaloWarsArmory 3 0 A custom army color tool for Halo Wars: Definitive EditionJavaScript Halo3LoadingScreen 50 6 A 4K remaster of the Halo 3 loading screen built in WebGL. ThumbnailSentry 1 0 A Firefox extension that dynamicallly replaces images of a particular format.Kotlin CrystalNote 7 1 An aggressively minimalist, highly customizable notes app for Android.