Abadi Kurniawan I like functional programming 70 2 112 342 67 No Language Strange-Loop-2014 0 1 Notes from Strange Loop 2014C++ adaptive-dog 5 0 Adaptive Difference of Gaussian Algorithm for Coherent Line DrawingCSS datetimepicker-css 2 2 Elm CSS package for DateTimePickerElm datetimepicker 93 22 📅 Date and Time Picker elm-creditcard 82 8 :credit_card: Pretty credit card form built with Elm elm-input-extra 51 12 🔢 Commonly used Html element with extra functionality elm-horizon 44 4 :sunrise_over_mountains: Experiment on elm integration with horizon elm-animation-exploration 13 1 🐛 Building Performant Animation in Elm intl-phone-input 7 4 ☎️ International Phone Input for Elm dateparser 5 3 Custom Date Parser in Elm elm-ui-exploration 5 0 Experiment for UI library with nice API in Elm pustaka-rs 5 0 🔖 Your personal digital library treeview 4 1 🌴 👀 Tree view for Elm go-search 2 0 contact-manager 1 0 Simple contact manager written in F# and Elm elman 1 0 elm-spa-auth0-starter 1 0 MADLibs 1 0 elm-checkerboardgrid-tutorial 0 1 Tutorial on Container Components in ElmF# csharp-fmt 4 0 ✨ C# Format suave-rest-api 1 0 Suave rest api tutorial from F# Applied bookJava android-spacedash 4 2 3D arcade game spaceship game for android.JavaScript gulp-elm-test 1 3 Gulp runner for elm-test elm-screeps 0 1 Reason phonics 1 0 🔤 Phonics cards app for learning to readRust roborex 2 0 🦖 Short game written in Rust, compiled to WASM kube-pingpong 1 0 🏓 Kubernetes ping pong pods rust-pong 0 1 TypeScript ts-remotedata 4 0 🛩 A DataType Representation of RemoteData member-system 1 0 ts-maybe 1 0 A DataType Representing the concept of null in more safer way. code-elm-format 0 1 Visual Studio Code extensions for formatting your Elm code using elm-format