Abhi Nemani https://abhinemani.com abhi.nemani@gmail.compublic servant. tech optimist & phil nerd. hacker, writer, speaker, maker. EthosLabs.us; CIO, Sacramento; fmr CDO, @MayorofLA; @codeforamerica; @google 66 5 96 29 47 No Language rf-hacks 2 9 Brainstormed civic app ideas Sorting-Hat 2 1 Wordpress plugin for reviewing fellowship applications for Code for America Mktplc-dzn 1 0 Wordpress-Plugin-Framework 1 0 The idea behind this is to provide a basic template for PHP plugins in WordPress. Simply choosing a few settings, you can have an operable plugin up in just a few minutes. chartbuilder 0 1 CSS od-policy 2 1 Open data policy for the City of Los Angeles datala-beta 0 2 myimmigrationla 0 1 HTML civictechcourse 3 0 Website for the University of Chicago Civic Technology course as part of the CAPP program. JavaScript digitalservicescenter 4 0 prototype application to link together various digital services/tools in a city and present them in a streamlined, common, mobile friendly format, city-to-city bradley-tower 1 1 Mayor's Dashboard city-services-finder 1 0 Demo spreadsheet-based web app to find local services classtalk 1 0 mobi-orgchart 1 14 old-homepage 1 0 Jekyll-based personal website open311dashboard 1 0 Visualizing and analyzing Open311 data on one unified, customizable dashboard postcard 1 1 Postcard pressplay 1 0 shareabouts 1 0 Shareabouts is a mapping application for crowdsourced info gathering. toydrive2014 1 1 abhinemani.github.io 0 1 Public Innovation Academy & Professional Website countdown 0 2 Countdown visualization elevator 0 8 Simple, Jekyll-based site builder of Mayor's Dashboard (Bradley Tower) preso 0 1 techla2015 0 1 PHP ThinkUp 1 1 ThinkUp captures and filters conversations with your social circle on Twitter, Facebook, and eventually, beyond.Ruby adopt-a-hydrant 2 0 A Ruby on Rails application that allows citizens to "adopt" civic infrastructure, such as fire hydrants. TournamentManager 1 0 Tournament manager for debate, forensics, speech and mock trial brigade 0 1 Brigade Platform