Adam Paxton Web and mobile. 60 9 57 265 75 No Language ergast-f1-openapi-doc 9 4 An OpenAPI Schema for the Ergast Formula 1 API sumo 2 0 A microformat parser framework for JavaScript definition-files 1 0 This repository hosts various publicly available definition files that can be used to setup projects and components on the PiLR platform. mobileframeworks 1 0 A comparison of JavaScript-based mobile development tools.C# UfXtract 2 0 UfXtract is a .Net microformats parserJava gcm.js 2 0 GCM push notifications module for Appcelerator Titanium Android SDK benCoding.AlarmManager 1 0 Titanium Module for working with the Android AlarmManager benCoding.Android.Tools 1 0 A collection of utilities designed to make working with Titanium on Android alittle easier.JavaScript AlloyActionJackson 54 26 Action Bar examples using custom Holo themes and Titanium Alloy. It's Time for 'Action'. TiCloak 15 2 Example Project using maps in Appcelerator Titanium TiSortable 9 1 Drag and Drop Sorting Grid for Titanium TiStarWars 7 1 Example of using JavaScript Promises in Appcelerator Titanium aismapper 4 1 Connect to an AIS receiver, store message in PostGIS, and display ship routes on a map TrackLocation 4 1 Simple Titanium app to demo location tracking via iOS significantLocationChange TiJazzCon 3 1 Example Appcelerator Titanium application for Presentation at 2017 TiLibrary 3 0 Modules, Scripts ported and developed for the Titanium Mobile Platform. TiMobile-map-pin-drag-and-drop 3 1 TiMobile Map Pin Drag and Drop example Codestrong 2 0 CODESTRONG mobile companion hyperpublic_titanium_module 2 0 Hyperpublic commonjs module for Titanium joli.js 2 0 joli.js is an Activerecord-like javascript ORM, particularly suited for being used in the Appcelerator Titanium Mobile framework. jsondb-public 2 0 JSONDB public examples MaterialWorld 2 1 Using Material themes with Appcelerator Titanium and Alloy Microformat-Shiv 2 0 A light weight cross browser JavaScript microformats parser oauth-adapter 2 0 Fork from TiCodeForFTL 2 1 Demo app for Code For Ft Lauderdale Meetup Titanium-OAuth-Client 2 0 This is a very simple and user friendly OAuth Client for Titanium Mobile. I'm currently using it for Twitter. BookClient 1 0 1 0 The website. (on GitHub pages) jazzcon-workshop 1 0 KinveyNested 1 1 test app for kinvey relational data bugs nl.fokkezb.infiniteScroll 1 0 Alloy widget for infinitive scrolling tableviews nl.fokkezb.pullToRefresh 1 0 Widget to implement a table pull-to-refresh header in Titanium Alloy TestDrive-Titanium 1 0 Test Drive Kinvey with this blank Titanium application. TiServices 1 1 Test App for Titanium Android Services TiVideoPlayer 1 1 Makefile titanium-cookies 20 6 Me want cookies. OM NOM NOM.Objective-C titanium-mapbox 67 23 Titanium Module Wrapper for MapBox iOS SDK titanium-amplitude 6 0 Titanium Module Wrapper for Amplitude Analytics SDK sc.mapbox 5 0 Titanium module wrapping the Mapbox iOS SDK ( mbtiles-ios-example 2 0 DinoDeals 1 0 mapbox-ios-sdk 1 0 MapBox iOS SDK, an open source alternative to MapKit. plot-titanium-module 1 0 Enable the power of Location Based Notifications provided by the Plot plugin in your Titanium apps Ti.GA 1 0 Google Analytics Native SDK modules for Titanium ti.mely 1 0 Ti.mely Native Timers for Titanium MobilePython TiAVAudioSession 3 2 Adds AVAudioSessionCategoryOptionDuckOthers option TiWebViewUserAgent 1 0 set useragent of Ti.UI.WebViewSCSS fr-landing-page 1 0 A Jekyll theme for automatically generating and deploying landing page sites for mobile apps.Shell kubernetes-workshop 1 0 Kubernetes workshop. A multi-pod deploymentSwift MoPubSwiftUIDemo 2 1 Examples for implementing the MoPub iOS SDK in SwiftUITypeScript openapi-swagger-demo 3 0 Demonstrating the use of OpenAPI Spec and Swagger tools to build REST APIs, documentation, and generated SDKs vscode-titanium 1 0 Extension for Titanium, Alloy and JAST