Addison Elliott addison.elliott@gmail.comSoftware Engineer M.S.E.E graduate Enjoys development in full-stack web, C/C++ Python, and embedded 33 10 65 372 95 No Language react-sortly 1 0 React nested sortable componentC nifticlib 1 2 Nifticlib is a C I/O library for reading and writing files in the nifti-1 data format. nifti-1 is a binary file format for storing medical image data, e.g. magnetic resonance image (MRI) and functional MRI (fMRI) brain images.C++ HttpServer 83 20 C++ Qt 5 HTTP Server opencv 1 0 Open Source Computer Vision LibraryJava SegmentedButton 150 39 Segmented Control/Button with animation for Android API 16+ SmartShopApp 4 0 SmartShop is a home inventory management system created by a group of engineers in a senior design group at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE). The design was created over the Fall 2016 - Spring 2017 academic period. The application uses Android Studio and Java to create an Android app for users to interact with the SmartShop system wirelessly. RippleDrawable 3 2 Ripple effect for Android 16+ GoogleCalendarView 2 0 An Android project replicating the calendar view in Google Calendar. The calendar provides an easy mixture between a calendar and an agenda, allowing the user to use the view as either or seamlessly. SmileyRating 1 0 SmileyRating is a simple rating bar for android. It displays animated smileys as rating icon.JavaScript parse-server 0 1 Parse-compatible API server module for Node/Express react-images 0 1 🌄 A lightbox component for displaying imagesMatlab matnrrd 9 3 MATLAB NRRD library that provides easy-to-use functions to load and save NRRD files.Python pypdn 31 0 Python package to read Paint.NET (PDN) images. polarTransform 26 13 Python package that converts between polar and cartesian domain (in images too). pyqt5ac 11 4 Python module to automatically compile UI and QRC files in PyQt5 to Python files SmartShopTouchScreen 10 4 SmartShop is a home inventory management system created by a group of engineers in a senior design group at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE). The design was created over the Fall 2016 - Spring 2017 academic period. The application uses Python 3.5.2 with PyQt5 to create a GUI for users to interact with the SainSmart 7" touchscreen attached to a Raspberry Pi 3. pydicomext 5 1 Extensions to Python module to loading DICOM files active-contours 4 0 Signal processing library for active contour models, also known as snakes. Includes a GUI application to visually test various active contour models. ImageProcessing-FingerCounter 1 0 ECE438 Image Processing Final Project - Count the number of fingers being held up given an image of a person's hand matplotlib 1 0 matplotlib: plotting with Python OpenCV2-Python-Tutorials 1 0 This repo contains tutorials on OpenCV-Python library using new cv2 interface ProjectPython 1 0 Test pynrrd 1 0 Simple pure-python module for reading and writing nrrd files. spectrum 1 0 Spectral Analysis in Python pyinstaller 0 1 Freeze (package) Python programs into stand-alone executablesSwift AEOverflowMenu 2 0 Android style overflow button for iOSTypeScript vscode-action-buttons 1 0 VsCode extension for custom status bar buttonsVerilog SCIC 14 1 Project of Addison Elliott and Dan Ashbaugh to create IC layout of 32-bit custom CPU used in teaching digital design at SIUE. LogiFindFPGATest 7 3 This is a Quartus Prime FPGA project testing the functionality of the LogiFind Altera Cyclone IV EP4CE6E22C8N Development Board. This product can also be found on eBay where I bought it from. I hope to provide base code that will help others in their learning with this development board.