adwzq4 Adam Wilson 0 0 15 7 1 C OS-Project-6 1 0 Written for Linux, simulates a demand paging system for swapping disk memory in and out of main memory.C++ Compiler-Project 1 0 Compiler for F#: includes scanner/lexical analyzer; parser to check syntax; check on static semantics; and generation of code in assembly language (runnable with ./VirtMach)Java Spaceship-Simulator 1 0 Simulates pirate and cargo ships on a grid in space. Demonstrates OOP principles such as an abstract class, interface, and inheritance.JavaScript minesweeper 1 0 A full stack MERN app which emulates the game MinesweeperKotlin Simon 1 0 Android app which emulates the game Simon, using SQLite to store high scoresPHP Online-Bike-Store 1 0 Provides the following CRUD operations via SQL: register an account, log in and out, add items to a guest or user-specific, persistent cart, then view and edit that cart.Python Bagging-Project 1 0 Runs a bagging algorithm on a training set to create a decision tree, which is then tested against a validation set to determine its predictiveness CS4500-Project1 0 1 Collaborative Travelling Salesman Problem