Austin Hester ahester57@gmail.comI like making games that play themselves. 11 0 83 98 17 No Language ipfs-private-swarm 56 7 Tutorials using IPFS in a private setting. (from 2018)C ConcurrentUnixProcesses 2 1 (C) Concurrent Processes in Unix. Uses: message queues, semaphores, interrupt handling. Recursive-Descent 2 0 (C) A Recursive Descent Parser. Uses tree project and lexical analyzer project to build a parse tree of a source file. OSSimulator 1 0 (C) An Operating System Simulator WAR 1 0 (C) A simulaltion of the card game, war.C++ slic_superpixels 1 0 (C++) OpenCV SLIC Superpixel Segmentation frequency_filter 0 1 (C++) OpenCV Filtering in the Frequency Domain Using Fourier Transforms style_transfer 0 1 (C++) Artistic Style Transfer Using OpenCVHTML ai_workshop 2 1 (Python) A collection of AI tools, tips, and training. This package is intended for educational purposes.Java TALQ 2 0 (Android) A Team-Based Learning quiz app. BieberVSClowns 1 0 (Java) A particularly weird game. Justin Beiber and his crew fight evil clowns. ChessAndroid 1 0 (Android/Java) A computer plays chess against itself. They are not very smart, yet...JavaScript IoTContracts 2 2 (Solidity) Ethereum Smart Contracts form 1 0 Dapp for IoT device info storage. (Don't use this) nDimensionalRedvsBlue 1 0 (Freestyle Javascript) An n-Dimensional random walk simulation.Python evolution-program-binary-knapsack 2 1 (Python) An Evolution Program w/ various forms of selection and crossover to solve the binary knapsack problem. hash_python 1 0 (Python) SHA256 tests PiArduinoSerial 1 0 Raspberry Pi 3 to Arduino Zero Serial USB Communication Example pypoke 1 0 (Python) A simple command line interface wrapping the veekun pokedb.Shell solana-on-multipass 2 0 Set up a local cloud to simulate a Solana test network. mintnet 0 1 An open, proof of authority, Ethereum network with 5 second block times and no gas costs.Solidity private-chain 17 2 (Solidity/Shell/Nodejs) Running a private chain using geth, and some example smart contracts.TeX PerceptronPy 1 0 (Python) Perceptron Learning Algorithm