Home Languages Developers Organizations Search You No Language Official repository for the ShanEnt analysis package Assembly Public/backup repository of the gromacs molecular simulation toolkit C++ Super simple, super lightweight dna compression tool SBML model editor and integrator - *very* much in alpha Make header and class files using a default template. Save ~ 1 min per class... Matlab Software tools to analyze data produced from the L1000 project Part of my dissertation project, a selection of MATLAB scripts for generating and evaluating parameters based on empirical data originally collected by Hendriks et al. This is NOT GENERIC, but specific for a project Perl A simple perl script which provides a command line interface unifying all the various unpacking mechanisms for common compression/archive formats on Linux Python Take a PDB file and spit out protein sequence in 3 or 1 letter format Simple base-type based API for the NCBI databases Package for 2019 workshop! Python API to access ProteomeScout flatfiles [proteomescout.wustl.edu] Shell