Justin Honold 37 6 18 135 30 Arduino arduino-netrunner-click-tracker 2 0 Go go-jira 1 0 simple jira command line client in GoHCL destalinator-do-tf-an 2 2 Destalinator on DigitalOcean using Terraform and AnsiblePuppet nrdev 22 2 Puppet-provisioned Vagrant environment for local development of https://github.com/mtgred/netrunnerPython awacs 1 0 Python library for AWS Access Policy Language creation aws-rolling-snaps 1 0 Maintain ZFS-like rolling snapshots of EBS volumes destalinator 1 0 Code for managing Cleanup of Stale ChannelsRuby aws_account_utils 1 0 Utility to help create and modify your AWS accountShell vagrant-centos 82 26 Build your own minimal Vagrant CentOS Base Box. aws 19 0 Eases SSH management of Linux EC2 Hosts. Supports multiple accounts. aws-stl-meetup 2 0 AWS STL Meetup CloudFormation workshop bitbar-plugins 1 0 Plugin repository for BitBar