Austin F. Frank 14 14 9 56 23 No Language pomodorgo 4 0 An implementation of the Pomodoro Technique in Org Mode praat-utils 4 4 Praat Scripts and Resources tutorials 2 0 collection of teaching materials 1 0 User site for Austin F. Frank on githubEmacs Lisp epom 7 1 An implementation of the Pomodoro time manangement system in emacsPython psychopy 1 0 Main repository of PsychoPy VisualWorld 1 0 Visual world experiments with eye tracking, mouse tracking, mouse and keyboard responses, and audio input and outputR R-hacks 33 18 useful bits of code for programming and analysis in R bgm-jags 3 0 Using JAGS to re-implement examples and problems from Lee and Wagenmaker's "Bayesian Graphical Modeling"