John Aughey 19 7 222 97 32 No Language animate-code-rust 1 0 Rust clone of loginscripts 1 0 Bash login scripts I use from machine to machine. uavtalk_json 1 1 JSON files that describe the uavtalk protocol wherehaveibeen 1 0 A simple html page to display where I have been on travel fygimbal 0 1 Tools for talking to the Feiyu Tech gimbal via serialC rfuse 7 0 RFUSE implements a ruby interface for FUSE. So you can implement a Filesystem in Ruby. Most of the callbacks FUSE provide are implemented. The only drawback is the lack of a multithreaded mainloop.C++ sphinx-sqlite3 13 0 Sphinx with sqlite3 support tinyxml 9 15 github copy of TinyXML by Lee Thomason mpv 5 4 CIGI Multi-Purpose Viewer peavey_footswitch 1 0 Arduino footswitch controller for the Peavey VIP amplifierCMake CPPSkel 1 1 C++ Skeleton application to be a starting point for C++ applications with cmake and gtestHTML phone_provision 1 0 Application to automatically provision grandstream phones JavaScript slotmachine 4 0 Simple javascript based slot machine for choosing lottery numbers chrome-prowl 3 1 A chrome extension to send URL's and/or selected text to a Prowl notifier dweet 3 1 Simplified version of like server for personal data collection. isandy 3 0 iPhone/iPod Touch interface for iwantsandy nodeuavtalk 2 0 node.js implementation of the uavtalk protocol zcamcontrol 2 0 Control system for a pan-tilt zcam ctrlfreq-node2 1 0 Second generation of ctrlfreq node that plans on using a non-git like storage mechanism. lifedb 1 0 Web based life database node 1 0 evented I/O for v8 javascript openlayers 1 0 phonegap-start 1 0 A starting-point for PhoneGap apps raffle 1 0 2011 Gala Raffle Program foobar 0 1 Just a create-react-app stock build with a single demo componentJupyter Notebook peavey_midi 1 0 Scripts for interfacing with the Peavey VYPYR series amplifiersPython conviotoical 2 2 Converts a data feed from Convio to iCal gmailpush 1 0 Small python script to push new mail notifications to Prowl for iPhone NotificationRuby magtek 8 1 MagTek magnetic card reader software for Linux iwantsandy 4 0 Rails clone of iwantsandy thinking-sphinx 4 0 Sphinx plugin for Rails and Merb (Adding sqlite3 support) bort 2 1 A base rails app featuring: RESTful Authentication, Will Paginate, Rspec & Rspec-rails, Exception Notifier, Asset Packager, Cap Recipe (multi-stage). Put together by Fudge to remove the need for boring project setup. fusefs 2 1 Ruby Bindings to FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) (Updated for Ruby 1.9) model_relationships 2 1 This Rails plugin is a way to define your model relationships in one place. countmein 1 0 Framework for the countmein pages gitaway 1 0 A simplified hub for git operations grit 1 0 Grit gives you object oriented read/write access to Git repositories via Ruby. ignite 1 0 A simple set of tools to facilitate an Ignite Event ( wilkinsbrains 1 0 A loose database system for managing life informationRust aoc2024 1 0 Shell LinuxWindowsCrossCompile 1 1