Avdi Grimm http://avdi.codes 1,819 127 157 3,471 459 No Language refactoring-in-ruby 15 1 My notebook as I work through the exercises in Refactoring in Ruby rudyard 2 0 Ruby Refactoring Framework articles 1 0 funwithgit 1 0 httparty 1 0 Makes http fun again! net-imap 1 0 Ruby client api for Internet Message Access Protocol webscripts 1 0 rubygems.org 0 1 The Ruby community's gem hosting service.CSS ppwm 222 75 A site to promote diverse pair-programming inch-pages 1 0 Jekyll Page generator for Inch PagesDockerfile tapas_shot_renumber 1 0 A tool for renumbering shots in RubyTapas-style scriptsElixir dotenv_elixir 231 27 A port of dotenv to Elixir fp_oo_elx 13 0 Emacs Lisp .emacs24.d 46 10 A from-scratch rebuild of my Emacs configuration org-rtm 19 1 Emacs org-mode/Remember the Milk Integration .emacs.d 9 0 My emacs config, based on Prelude tapas-dotfiles 6 0 ruby-test-mode 2 0 An Emacs mode for Behavior and Test Driven Development in Ruby el-get 1 0 Manage the external elisp bits and pieces upon which you depend! emacs-rails 1 1 Tomtt's version of the minor mode for editing RubyOnRails code in Emacs org-tree-slide 1 0 A presentation tool for org-mode based on the visibility of outline treesJavaScript fail-fast 11 1 Avdi's personal fork of FailFast focused_controller 4 0 Bringing real OOP to Rails controllers. mythbashers 4 0 discourse 2 0 A platform for community discussion. Free, open, simple.PHP twitter-embed 0 2 PowerShell dotfiles 0 1 Python aws-sam 3 0 Playing around with AWS SAMRuby naught 1,049 51 A toolkit for building Null Object classes in Ruby quarto 468 28 sbpprb 456 48 Smalltalk Best Practice Patterns in Ruby hammertime 208 10 Exception debugging console for Ruby greenletters 116 15 Ruby console automation a la Expect alter-ego 56 8 Avdi's personal fork of AlterEgo cowsay 41 10 Enter the cow, baby! firetower 39 7 A command-line interface to Campfire chats keyword_params 34 3 Declarative Keyword Paramaters for Ruby orgpress 34 3 A collection of Makefiles and scripts for generating formatted eBooks. nulldb 32 110 NOTE: This is no longer the official Github home of NullDB. leadlight 30 2 Rose colored stained glass windows for HTTP rpcfn-interactive-fiction 28 13 Ruby Programming Challenge for Newbies: Interactive Fiction brainguy 27 0 Xcast 26 2 cow 19 2 hookr 19 6 A publish/subscribe callback hook facility for Ruby. lockstep 18 1 gem-love 13 2 Show your love for your favorite gems dm-google-sheet-adapter 9 2 DataMappr adapter for Google Sheet tapas-queue 8 0 A thread-safe, optionally bounded, timeout-capable queue based on RubyTapas episodes 137-143 (and a few others). gem-isntall 7 0 rrwb-code 6 1 The code samples for the imminent 'Ruby Refactoring Workbook' spartan 6 1 Butt-naked Ruby tests. clafamatt 5 0 CLAss FAMily ATTributes gives your classes class-inheritable attributes without all that tedious mucking about with @inheritable_attributes curator 5 0 A system for managing all of your digital artifacts handcar 5 1 Debugging utility for Rails bones 4 1 Mr Bones is a handy tool that builds a skeleton for your new Ruby projects faraday 4 0 Simple, but flexible HTTP client library, with support for multiple backends. feedupdater 4 2 Bob "sporkmonger" Aman's Feed Updater Utility gilded_rose_kata 4 0 rubypair 4 1 A website setup to find people to pair program with! hookah 3 1 http_client 3 0 A replacement for net/http mimic 3 1 A Ruby gem for faking external web services for testing polyglop 3 0 POLYglot Grand Language Omniscience Project preen 3 1 rack-stereoscope 3 0 TODO: one-line summary of your gem raffle 3 0 sinatra 3 0 Classy web-development dressed in a DSL zero-zero 3 0 An ejection seat for Ruby apps dacs 2 1 Devver Application Configuration System display-case 2 0 An implementation of the Exhibit pattern, as described in Objects on Rails dm-adapter-simpledb 2 0 A DataMapper adapter for SimpleDB dm-rails 2 0 Integrate DataMapper with Rails 3 favo5 2 0 gem-lovefest 2 1 The server side of gem-love guard 2 0 Guard is a command line tool to easily handle events on files modifications (FSEvent / Inotify / Polling support). lmcr 2 0 The example code for Let's Make a Chatbot in Ruby puppet-rvm 2 0 A puppet module for installing and using RVM (Ruby Version Manager) rack_base_uri 2 0 A Rack middleware for automatically setting [X]HTML document base URIs. rails 2 0 Ruby on Rails tick 2 0 twitter-stream 2 0 Twitter realtime API client aws 1 1 AWS library butane 1 0 A propane-like campfire notification for Linux daemon-herder 1 0 dm-core 1 1 DataMapper - Core effigy 1 0 Ruby views without a templating language flock-block 1 0 Block helper for file locking groups_sharevision 1 0 methodical 1 0 Automation framework for sequential operations prototypes-in-ruby 1 0 pulse-ffi 1 0 rails-synctest 1 0 Temporary rake-server 1 0 An experiment at turning Rake into a task server request_sentry 1 0 This Rails plugin provides a DSL for your controller to reject requests (via "400 Bad Request") that supply malicious or malformed parameters rut 1 0 seeing_is_believing 1 0 Displays the results of every line of code in your file servolux 1 0 Threads : Servers : Forks : Daemons stringer 1 0 A [work-in-progress] self-hosted, anti-social RSS reader. tack 1 0 A Rack-inspired interface for testingShell walrus 12 1 bewarethemoose 3 0 Beware of the Moose oh-my-zsh 1 1 A community-driven framework for managing your zsh configuration.TypeScript odin 1 0 A project for learning TypeScript