Ben Acland 11 4 30 45 20 AGS Script cili 24 10 cili - bring your eye tracking data into focusJavaScript sproutcore 2 0 JavaScript Application Framework - JS library onlyObjective-C ThinkGearCocoa 5 3 A Cocoa Wrapper for NeuroSky's ThinkGearConnector API three20-P31 1 1 Three20 fork that is App Store safe with some additionsPHP orion-db 3 0 A generic Object Oriented PHP DB frontend for SC.RestServer Python hcpre 9 4 A Nipype Workflow for the HCP Preprocessing Pipelines django-timesheet 1 1 A Django timesheet application for theaters. django-summernote 0 1 Simply integrate Summernote editor with Django project.