Benjamin Lee 42 16 49 81 19 No Language ApacheCXF-Spring-JPA-Hibernate-Example 2 2 Example end-to-end project for simple persistence web service FileBuilder 1 0 Simple C# app to build a arbitrary number of files for testingElixir whoppex 3 0 Erlixir based load generation toolErlang erlbull 2 0 erlang server monitor (metrics visualization) Calculator 1 0 Demo app for learning Erlang and setting up good testing/CI/metrics reporting erlang_sample 1 0 sample erlang application built with rebar word-ladder 1 0 Java SendAway 4 0 Android mock location app useful for automated testing Lexiku 3 0 Combination game between Sudoku and Scrabble tweetpublisher 3 0 A CruiseControl publisher which sends build information to a specified twitter account. booklouse 2 0 BookWorm helper app yardproxy 2 0 Simple logging web proxy used to gather relative performance metrics boardgame 1 1 java3d board game KingBeeBallUtils 1 0 RequestSpy 1 0 Simple logging web-app useful for testing RockPaperScissors 1 1 My take on youngnh's challenge in the benjaminplee branch YSLife 1 0 Genetically evolved 2 player Conway's Game Of Life palyersJavaScript QUnit-CLI 25 6 Extensions for running QUnit tests from the command line HTLM5-GoL 8 5 Game of Life testbed for HTML 5 QuickPiet 4 2 A simplified version of the commands offered by the Piet programming language swimming-in-exlixir 3 0 Elixir basics presentation materials from AIC 2017 Bacobahnen 1 0 Bacon! erlang101 1 0 The why, what, & how you should consider using Erlang on your next project PairDing 1 0 Agile developer pair programming tools SmackTweet 1 0 Example Mobile HTML5 AppRuby ebooklouse 2 0 OLD PROJECT - see booklouse for current work StoutSystemsChallenge 1 1 Challenge Solution we wrote to win Stout Systems Codemash ChallengeShell dotfiles 1 0 config filesVimL janus 3 1 Vim distribution