Brad Urani bradurani@gmail.comPrinciple Software Engineer @ Procore 84 83 87 329 35 No Language command-oriented-programming 9 2 Trying to distill everything I know about web application architecture into some kind of useful philosophy elm-demo 1 0 Step-by-Step Elm Demo Built for Lightning Talk at Santa Barbara JavaScript 11/18 elm-time-ago 1 0 Creates string such as "5 minutes ago" from 2 Date objectsC ubuntu-xenial-kernel 1 0 Fork of Linux kernel for Macbook ProC# coverpage 0 1 Demo MVC app for LaunchCode trainingElm connect-four-elm 5 2 A Connect Four Demo built with ElmGo Gitfile 19 2 Installs git repos onto your system and keeps them up-to-dateHTML RailsHurts 1 0 JavaScript functional-javascript 27 6 Functional JavaScript demo using Immutable.js footprints-tracker 4 1 A browser analytics tracking library ConwaysGameOfLifeJasmineDemo 2 0 A demo of the Jasmine BDD framework for JavaScript using Conway's Game of Life. ranger 2 0 A JavaScript micro-framework that does not try to hide its underlying dependencies truckster 1 0 A web hook for syncing a GitHub repo to an AWS S3 bucket javascript-good-parts-demo 0 1 Demonstration of key concepts from JavaScript the Good Parts by Douglas Crockford. Explores JavaScript object model, closures, constructor patterns, good and ugly parts javascript-patterns 0 1 Examples from the book "JavaScript Patterns" by Stoyan StefanovRuby pg-eyeballs 225 8 A Ruby gem for using the postgres explain command with Active Record :eyes: functional-ruby 3 0 An example of pure functional programming in Ruby using the Hamster library to solve Bloxorz hamster-matrix 2 0 Ruby gem providing a persistent immutable matrix with an interface matching Ruby's Matrix class. Built using the Hamster gem connect-four-ruby 1 1 A solver for Connect Four used to demonstrate immutable data structures tacocopter-sql-workshop 1 6 Complete SQL querying workshop and Rails coding challenge app teleport 1 0 ruby-kafka 0 1 A Ruby client library for Apache Kafka testbest 0 1 Group coding exercise for Arch Rails #5, 10/28/2014Rust rust-iterator-to-hash-map 6 0 A Rust crate providing a method to convert Iterators to HashMaps rust-hashmap-to-hashmap 2 0 Adds adds a .map method to hashmap that maps to another hashmapShell dotfiles 10 2 A set of vim, zsh, git, and tmux configuration files.VimL vim-powerclose 5 0 A vim plugin allowing you to close any type of window with a single function