Brian Coyner Lead Software Architect 73 3 28 538 124 No Language Development-AppleScripts 2 0 Resizes all Xcode windows to a location and size that I like. CocoaHeads-Embrace-The-Brackets 1 0 West St. Louis CocoaHeads Kick-off PresentationJava Log4FIX-J 26 16 FIX (Financial Information Exchange) Message Parser/ Viewer (Java)Objective-C Core-Animation-Fun-House 251 65 Core Animation Examples (Basics, Replicator, Reflection, Wiggle Jiggle, Lissajous Curve, Sine Wave, etc.) Embracing-XCUnit 17 3 Various XCUnit testing techniques (parameterized tests, concurrency testing with GCD, etc.) MagicFingers 12 4 Multi-touch, Core Animation (CAReplicatorLayer) iPad app.Objective-C++ Core-Animation-Pie-Chart 107 22 Pie Chart built using CAShapeLayers, a CADisplayLink and custom layer propertiesRuby OCUnit2JUnit 2 1 A script that converts output from OCUnit in xcodebuild to the XML format used by JUnit. This allows for Xcode builds on continuous integration servers like Hudson and Bamboo, complete with test reports.Swift Visual-Effects-Shadow 62 7 Add a drop shadow to a UIVisualEffectView using a 9-part UIImage. interactive-grid 20 4 Demo project showing a technique for building a reorderable `UICollectionView` using compositional layout and other stock UIKit APIs. Circular-Progress 9 1 Techniques for building circular progress views using Core Animation. AsyncWorkflow 7 0 Techniques for building "async workflows" using `NSOperation` and `NSOperationQueue`. MKOverlayRendererBug 4 0 `MKOverlayRenderer.setNeedsDisplay` causes `MKTileOverlayRenderer` to re-render tiles SwiftUI-Fun-House 4 0 SwiftUI Fun House (Progress Views, `AnimatableData`, etc) AdaptiveLayout 3 0 The demo attempts to mimic how the iOS Files app adapts the "Filter" actions toolbar to horizontal size class changes. Parameterized-Unit-Test 3 1 Creating XCUnit Parameterized Tests In Swift (with NSInvocation) SmallWorld 3 0 Sample project demonstrating iOS MapKit Clustering Bugs FiddleYard 2 0 Building Lionel "Toy Train" Commands MarkerAnnotationView 2 0 MKMarkerAnnotationView Center Y-Offset Bug TouchPreview 1 0 Display touches on iOS devices and iOS Simulators.