Anthony Brummett 10 0 50 48 18 JavaScript Devel-hdb 31 9 A graphical Perl debugger implemented as a web service CouchStore 2 1 A CouchDB app for managing a small business store Couchinv 1 0 Webapp to manage a small business inventory using CouchDBObjective-C JewelToy 3 2 An OS-X match 3 gamePerl App-Prove-Plugin-Distributed 1 0 App::Prove::Plugin::Distributed is a plugin for App::Prove Devel-Chitin 1 4 Abstract base class for Perl debuggers IPC-FSLock 1 0 Perl module to implement shared+exclusive locks using the filesystem for IPC SimpleInventory 1 0 Set of scripts to help manage a small business inventory vmsgs 1 0 A curses-based version of a msgs client WorkCouch 1 0 A job scheduling system using CouchDB to store statePerl 6 oracle-ddl-translator 4 2 Translate Oracle DDL to other SQL dialectsShell dtruss 1 0 dtruss for OSX