Miao Cai https://caimiao0714.github.io/ miao.cai@outlook.comBiostatistician at the Department of Veteran Affairs. Research interests: clinical epidemiology and environmental epidemiology. 43 0 54 29 10 No Language DataScienceStudyNotes 1 0 这个仓库保管从(数据科学学习手札69)开始的所有代码、数据等相关附件内容 GISnote 1 0 HTML BayesianquantileTobit 2 1 Bayesian quantile Tobit regression for xiaojun's dissertation RprojectMiao 2 0 Several miscellaneous R projects SurvivalDistribution 2 0 Commonly used distributions for survival data analysis FatiguedTruckDrivers 1 0 Reproducible examples for modeling fatigue drivers MLalgorithms 1 0 somepapers 1 0 caimiao0714.github.io 0 1 causalgraphs 0 1 R code for causal graph animations Miao_nCov2019 0 1 nCov2019 outbreak in Wuhan, China Jan 2020 optimization_stats_case_study 0 1 Please visit the website at: JavaScript SC-ENV-2023 1 0 环境暴露的人群健康效应的研究、写作与发表Jupyter Notebook HDS5230Homework 0 1 HDS5230 High Performance Computing Spring 2019 HomeworkR MiaoCom 2 1 A R package for calculating comorbidity index for epidemiologists dnlddep 1 0 An R package to recursively download all the dependencies of an R packageRich Text Format BST5229MultilevelandLongitudinalHW 1 0 Homework for BST5220 Multilevel and Longitudinal Data AnalysisSAS COVID3year 1 0 TeX ChineseCV 11 3 蔡苗的中文学术简历 EnglishCV 1 0 My English academic CV