Dave Lee camperdave.github.com dave@gray101.com 11 2 44 40 5 No Language Tasker-Zoom-Stuff 5 0 Projects, Profiles, Tasks, Widgets etc etc for the wonderful Android apps Tasker and Zoom! android_cvpcs_repo 2 0 CVPCS's Saphire rom, pre-made repo manifest.xml that gets it and all it's patches automatically. open-terminal 2 0 Portable script to run a command in a new terminal graycard-test-db 1 0 Testing and Development version of a backend DB for the graycard engine in development EC2Upload 0 1 Sublime Text 2 Plugin to upload files to EC2. Currently Windows-only, and depends on PuTTY - maybe someday it will be good!C heme-android 1 0 Port of heme to android - mainly a few modifications to directories and keycodes, to make it easier to use on my Moto Droid.C# GMod-Addon- 1 0 A quick tool to automatically update GMod 10+ addons via SVN, and additionally check the root folders for any duplicated files.C++ AudiosurfNabber 1 0 A python script to automatically download and convert the current Audiosurf Radio songs.Java MinMinGuard-X 6 1 Un-Cancelled. Open Source is awesome like that. packages_apps_settings 1 0 My custom version of the settings app for android. UltraMap 1 0 A plugin for Bukkit allowing config files to specify alterations to in-game mapsJavaScript html-asteroids-2 3 0 This game was so cool, I needed to add my own mods to it GameBoy-Online 1 0 A GameBoy Color emulator written in JavaScript that strives for performance and near perfect compatibility. MTGO-DeckFinder 1 0 Open Source Chrome extension that makes it easy to compare decks on mtgo-stats.com with your already-owned collection of digital cards!Lua Firefall-Addon-XP_Test 2 0 Quick and Dirty UI Addon for Firefall (Beta) that adds a text display of the player's current XP and amount still needed to levelPython camperdave.github.com 1 0 My Userpage DaveTag 1 0 Automatically move music files to where they belong, based on their metadata mame-rom-patch 1 0 Parses ckmame reports and creates .zip patch files pykol 1 0 A Python package for interacting with The Kingdom of Loathing.Shell git-achievements 4 2 Aquire achievements while using git. dave-omz-custom-overlay 1 0 camperdave's custom-overlay for oh-my-zsh misc-util 1 0 oh-my-zsh 1 0 A community-driven framework for managing your zsh configuration. Includes optional plugins for various tools (rails, git, OSX, brew,...), nearly 80 terminal themes, and an auto-updating tool so that you can keep up with the latest improvements from the community. oh-my-zsh-screen-plugin 1 1 A plugin for oh-my-zsh that configures GNU screen to work the way I like. Maybe useful to others. Works regardless of theme, so you can switch your theme, but keep your .screenrc happy :P