Daniel Combest https://twitter.com/dancombest PhD Chemical Rxn Engineer & #programmer following tech in #energy #catalysis #CFD #CAE #optimization #OpenFOAM #HELYX #ElementsCAE #C++. 33 1 9 27 10 No Language scalarFluxModels 1 0 C++ cufflink-library 12 1 Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/cufflink-libraryMatlab postProcessingTools 5 5 Shell yPlusUplus 7 4 constructs yPlus and uPlus fields for openFOAM 2.1.x scalarFluxSolvers 1 0 scalarFluxSolversOCFD 1 0 OF-2.1.x compatible version of scalarFluxSolvers