Christopher Schmitz schmitz.chris@gmail.comSoftware engineer in Saint Louis. 47 12 146 56 24 No Language laser-cut-patterns 1 0 A collection of various laser cutter patterns I've designed.Arduino laser-cut-acrylic-sign-base 1 0 A laser cut base for an acrylic sign à la sparkle-backpack 1 0 An sketch for the Adafruit Flora to light up neopixels on my daughters backpack when she walks.C++ circuitplayground-bounce-and-chase 2 0 A really simple demo that I used to understand state machines. circuit-playground-zelda-chest 1 0 Circuit playground light patterns and sounds from LoZ. FastLED-Section-Manager 1 0 A library for managing multi-row configurations as one row on an LED strip. hello-rfid 1 0 A simple hello world I used to start learning RFID learning-bit-shifting 1 0 A simple demo of using bit shifting to build a long out of an array of ints multi-rfid 1 0 An example of using multiple RFID readers from a single microcontroller pumpkin-cauldron 1 0 My 2019 halloween pumpkin project trellis-box 1 1 A multi-mode trellis box for Lily :) screamin-pumpkin 0 1 A pumpkin my wife and I carved/crafted/programmed for the Paradowski pumpkin carving contestCSS places-and-pics 1 0 A prototype that integrates Vue.js, Dropzone.js, and Google Maps for the front end and uses Node, Express, and MongoDB for the back end.HTML Punchlist 0 1 An ultra-simple non-javascript-tooled example of a punclist using Vue.js for MVVMJava jolt-spec-builder-api 0 1 JavaScript node-motivator 6 2 Push it to the limit! LIMIT!!! VueToDos 4 1 A todo list demo created to explore vue.js, vueify, gulp, and browserify. app-launcher 2 0 Launch applications on Mac OS per specified location. electron-express-example 2 2 An exmaple of packaging launching a node/express server from electron. Mapper 2 3 A prototype to demo the interactions between a vue.js app and a google map instance. aem-launch-helper 1 1 Helper utility for setting up and interacting with Adobe Experience Manager environments. CarListingsPlusPlus 1 0 This is the Sencha CarListings tutorial with a Laravel5 back end used to demonstrate how Laravel and Sencha can be used in conjunction. jstl-threejs-overview-talk 1 0 The simple example and slide content outline for my threejs for the jstl meetup group learning-js-generators 1 0 These are example files I wrote out and annotated while trying to better understand javascript generators. I followed the basic structure that @mpjme outlines in this video list-connected-devices 1 0 A simple node script. Given a map of names and mac address, list target devices on the network. mqtt-hello-world 1 0 This is a hello world project I'm using to explore MQTT in Node.js and Arduino cpp PlaceMapper2 1 1 This is an demo implmentation of google maps with the places library using Vue.js and Webpack. vue-2-to-do-node-server 1 1 A node/express/mongo API built to work with the vue-to-do-2 vue.js client. websocket-binary-test 1 0 NOICE 0 1 Stepping stone projects to better understand electronicsPHP L5SimpleFM 10 2 A wrapper around SimpleFM for creating FileMaker model classes in Laravel 5. Demo_LaravelAndAjax 1 0 A quick example of using an ajax call with laravel. SlackSignupDemo 1 0 TaskWithL5SimpleFM 1 0 A simple task app built using L5SimpleFM to interact with FileMakerPython circuit-python-acrylic-nightlight 1 0 A nightlight I created for my daughter using an adafruit trinket, circuit python, a laser cutter, acrylic, and plywood. light-inspiration-minecraft-server 1 0 A practical project to better learn how to setup aws infrastructure via terraform Vue matching-game 2 0 A simple matching game vue-in-depth-already-baked 1 2 This is a pre-build of the vue project I'm going to live code (at least partially) during the Full Stack Web Development Meetup session on vuejs in depth. component-gallery 0 1 vue-2-to-do 0 3 Yet another vue.js to do list ;P