Kumar Challa http://www.kumarchalla.com 19 1 30 690 74 No Language apex 14 5 Grafana+Influxdb+Telegraf config for Neptune Apex Aquarium Controllers subaru_outback 5 2 C ESP8266-Weather-Thingy 1 0 PowerShell NetApp-Powershell-Scripts 1 0 Python Monitoring 646 62 Monitor ESXi, Synology, Docker, PiHole and Raspberry Pi and Windows using Grafana, InfluxDB and Telegraf simpleCloudDetect 10 1 Machine Learning based cloud detection for AllSky camerasShell adsb-public 10 3 shell_scripts 1 0 Vue Nowify 2 1 A Spotify 'Now Playing' screen designed for Raspberry Pi