Cole Brumley 33 9 76 87 58 No Language centos-sshd 2 1 Jump server (SSHD) docker container based on CentOS net-snmp 1 1 Net-SNMP base image with Supervisor on CentOS samplicator 1 0 Send copies of (UDP) datagrams to multiple receiversApacheConf supervisor 1 0 CentOS + Supervisord Docker imageGo mssh-go 7 2 Cross platform multi-node SSH commands consul-kv-backup 6 3 Backup Consul's KV store to a JSON file with TLS and HTTP basic auth support tlspxy 3 1 A small TLS termination proxy trelloader 2 0 example-golang-api 1 0 Super basic golang HTTP API demo with TLS and basic auth sys.json 0 1 Expose system stats as a JSON API. Mostly just a toy project at this point.Python des 12 5 Run scripts in response to Docker eventsShell docker-etcd 29 35 47MB Alpine Linux Etcd2 Container docker-vscode 7 3 Dockerized Visual Studio Code docker-quokka 5 1 Quokka Docker image docker-rundeck 3 2 Rundeck Docker container shell-things 3 0 My shell profiles and such bitbar-minikube 2 1 Minikube GUI via BitBar go-static-docker 1 0 Dockerfile that builds statically linked golang binaries ros-services 1 0 Experiments with RancherOS system services alpine-rmq 0 1 35MB RabbitMQ Docker image running on Alpine Linux docker-nfs-client 0 1