Conan 106 0 36 63 12 C fractals 5 0 A program that generates the various fractals using mouse position as parameter in complex plane ants 4 0 This program takes a graph (rooms with un-directed connections) and computes the most efficient way to move N ants from source node to sink node, outputs an animated movement of the ants corewar 4 0 A reproduction of the Core War game. Including full implementation of assembly compiler, virtual machine and GUI. C-library 2 0 A library recreating standard libc functions, with some extra personalized functionalities Museum_of_Shaders 2 0 A showcase of OpenGL shaders in both 3D and 2D, with ray-marching and other techniques bombermanWIP 1 0 coin_hunter 1 0 This is a small game which takes place in a 3d maze. The goal is to collect all coins in the maze to pass levels. data_structure_and_algorithms 1 0 Exercises from a 2 week introduction to data structure and algorithms Elementary-ray-tracer 1 0 This is a basic ray tracer written in C, it renders combinations of spheres, planes cylinders and cones in space from input file.C++ rubik 23 10 Efficient Rubik's cube solver in C++ with OpenGL visualizer. Implemented Thisletwaite's algorithm along with pattern database particle_system 8 0 An openCL and openGL simulation of movement of millions of particles in space hashgraph 7 2 Simple implementation of the consensus algorithm Hashgraph with clear visualizer GomokuAI 2 0 An AI capable of winning human players in the classical board game Gomoku CPP_piscine 1 0 exercises from a 2-week introduction to c++Python Multilayer-Neural-Network 1 0 WIP || A simple Neural Network with 2 hidden layers implemented from scratch for cancer diagnostics based on training dataset