Cory Rylan Software Developer. @google Developer Expert for @angular. @vmware developer. 467 14 103 1,049 362 No Language ng-projects 182 59 :globe_with_meridians: A list of open source Angular Projects vscode-blueprint-css-snippets 2 1 VSCode Snippets for Core Flex Grid coryrylan 1 0 CSS core-grid 2 1 A micro mobile first, content defined, Sass/CSS GridHTML custom-element-types 10 0 A generator to create type definitions for applications using Custom Elements (Web Components). angular-github-actions 6 16 An example repo on how to build a Angular CLI using Github Actions clarity-blazor 1 0 Clarity Design System + Blazor .NETJavaScript observable-rxjs-demos 29 12 is-angular-2-ready 6 3 A simple site showing Angular 2 development process. gulp-start-up 4 2 Personal gulp setup with TypeScript clarity-addon-kit 3 2 agile-tasker 2 0 A small productivity Web App todo-app 2 0 Simple todo web application built with Angular and Firebase angular-space-invaders 1 0 space-shooter 1 0 Small Javascript and html5 canvas game. paddle-ball-game 0 1 Small Javascript and html5 canvas game I am currently building.SCSS blueprint-css 252 45 :blue_book: Blueprint CSS is a modern responsive CSS layout library & grid built on top of CSS Grid and Flexbox. TypeScript ng-pokedex 253 130 :monkey_face: Pokedex progressive web app built with Angular ngx-lite 128 18 :package: A collection of lightweight Angular libraries in a single mono repo ngx-json-ld 29 4 :pencil: A small component to easily bind JSON-LD schema to Angular templates. ng-math 17 24 Math Flashcard Progressive Web App built with Angular 2 angular-preloading-strategies 13 9 A demo of custom preloading strategies with Angular lithium 13 1 web-test-runner-performance 13 1 A small plugin for @web/test-runner that enables performance testing including checking module bundle size, tree-shaking and custom element rendering. stencil-demos 11 5 A demo Web Component built with Stencil JS beginner-reactive-programming-with-rxjs 9 5 :repeat: A intro to RxJS for my talk Beginner Reactive Programming with RxJS ngx-eq 9 0 :zap: Element Queries Directive for responsive Angular Components dynamic-module-imports-with-the-angular-cli 8 5 Demo Angular CLI Project for building-web-components-with-angular-cli 7 2 Example project showing how to build lit-element web components with the Angular CLI node-cli-starter 7 2 Basic starter kit for building Node CLI applications with TypeScript. ng-pwa-lunch 5 3 Progressive Web App built with Angular angular-stencil-web-component-demo 4 1 Demo showing how to use stencil web components in a Angular CLI project web-test-runner-jasmine 4 0 Plugin for using Jasmine with Web Test Runner web-test-runner-voiceover 4 1 A small plugin for @web/test-runner that uses VoiceOver on Mac for integrated a11y screen reader testing. libraries-with-angular-cli 2 3 Built generic JavaScript and TypeScript libraries with the Angular CLI ng-upgrade-example 2 1 minimal ng1 to ng2+ upgrade using ngUpgrade clarity-core-angular-ie11 1 0 ng-v8-lit-element 1 1 Angular v8 example app with Lit elements syncing-multiple-reactive-form-inputs-in-angular 1 0 Created with StackBlitz ⚡️ workshop-app-stl 1 0 angular-progress-component-with-svg 0 1 Created with StackBlitz ⚡️ subscribing-to-multiple-observables-in-angular-components 0 1 Created with StackBlitz ⚡️ workshop 0 1 Angular One Day Workshop Demo App workshop-app 0 1 Vue web-components-in-vue 3 0 Example showing how to use a web component in VueJS