David Atchley http://davedrinks.coffee 47 45 20 82 21 No Language advanced-javascript 9 4 Advanced Javascript GitBookJavaScript react-scale-text 56 15 A React library to keep an element's text scaled to fit it's container flight-handlebars-view 3 1 A Flight.js mixin for using Handlebars.js templates in Components jquery-utils 2 0 jQuery Utilities and Extensions Clamp.js 1 0 Clamps an HTML element by adding ellipsis to it if the content inside is too long. eos-web-wallet 1 0 Web based wallet for EOS ng-reflux 1 1 An Angular service providing a simplified RefluxJS implementation redux-connect-component 1 0 Declarative Connect Component for Redux ui-development 1 0 Javascript Style GuideVimL mysystem 7 0 My usual configs, scripts, etc for my *nix/OS X machines I work on