David Morton Software Developer since 2012 with experience designing distributed systems primarily in Python. Training and deploying Pytorch models since 2018. 14 2 35 38 7 Jupyter Notebook learning-rate-schedules 7 1 Exploring learning rate schedules using pytorch and sconce fastai-course-sconce 4 0 Jupyter Notebooks for the fast.ai deep learning course, recreated using pytorch-sconce. dollarstreet-deeplearning 2 0 Analyzing the dollarstreet images from gapminder using deep learning. simpsons-character-identification 2 0 disentangled 1 1 Exploring the learning of disentangled data representations by deep neural networksPerl daves_repl 4 2 A repl.rc and related perl modules to give "ls" supportPython pytorch-sconce 9 1 A library for training pytorch models pycsd 5 1 Current Source Density analysis for electrophysiological data (Neuroscience) spikepy 4 1 A flexible spike-sorting application