David Fleming Research Data Scientist with a PhD in Astronomy from the University of Washington. I predict things slightly better than chance 25 0 31 56 13 Jupyter Notebook CSE_546 2 0 Machine Learning class work CSE512 1 1 David Fleming's coursework for CSE512, Data VisualizationPython approxposterior 42 9 A Python package for approximate Bayesian inference and optimization using Gaussian processes turf 2 0 Bayesian hierarchical inference and simulation model for NFL football and NHL hockey diskpy 1 0 Python routines for protoplanetary disks uwastromsg 0 2 UW grad notification systemTeX boxSim 3 0 c++ 2D particles in a box simulation sync 3 0 Studying tidal-locking in stellar binaries using equilibrium tidal models. thesis 1 0 David P. Fleming's UW Thesis trappist 1 1 Constraining the stellar evolution history of TRAPPIST-1 using MCMC and machine learning with approxposterior