Charles Comstock dgtized@gmail.comShepherding entropy into ephemeral moments, n bits at a time 60 96 65 212 34 No Language dgtized 1 0 Clojure lein-vanity 23 2 Lines of code statistics for vanity's sake shimmers 23 0 A Sketchbook of Generative Art hand-pallet 2 0 tile-game 2 0 A Tile Puzzle Game and Solver sierpinski-sieve 1 0 Sierpinski Triangles on HTML/Canvas in ClojureScript stack-mitosis 1 2 Clone & Replace RDS Database Replication GraphsCommon Lisp ritz 0 1 SWANK and nREPL servers for clojure providing JPDA based debuggersEmacs Lisp github-clone.el 57 14 Fork and clone Github projects from Emacs winnow.el 17 2 Winnow search results from ag/grep by matching/excluding lines list-environment.el 15 1 A tabulated process environment editor brave-new-emacs 7 0 Self executing presentation on Emacs initialization with packages dotfiles 6 0 There are many dotfiles repos, this one is mine. occur-context-resize.el 5 1 Dynamically resize context around matches in occur-modeJavaScript autostereogram 45 8 An Autostereogram generator as popularized by "Magic Eye", but in pure javascript using canvas.Ruby bio-graphics 3 0 Bio::Graphics is a ruby library for visualizing annotations on chromosomes scrapyard 2 3 Simple caching tool for faster CI builds stlruby-chef-vagrant-demo 2 0 Presentation + demo of vagrant and chef for STLRuby