Home Languages Developers Organizations Search You Matthew Donaldson I am a graduate student at Washington University in St. Louis, majoring in Mechanical Engineering and pursuing a Master's in Data Analytics and Statistics. I pl HTML Matlab: Topics range from convex unconstrained problems to constrained nonconvex problems. Algorithms discussed: gradient descent, subgradient descent, projected subgradient descent, proximal gradient method and alternating direction method of multipliers. MATLAB Analysis and design of advanced thermo-fluid systems, including phase change and gas power and refrigeration cycles, combustion reactions, gas mixtures, and thermodynamic relations. Students work on thermodynamic design projects, both individually and as groups. Topics include, for example, geothermal power generation, alternative transportation systems, jet turbines, and fuel combustion analysis. This course is a study of modeling and control of physical systems. Topics include: block diagram representation of single and multi-loop systems, control system components, transient and steady-state performance, stability analysis, Nyquist, Bode, and root locus diagrams, compensation using lead, lag and lead-lag networks, design synthesis by Bode plots and root-locus diagrams, state-variable techniques, state-transition matrix, state- variable feedback. Introduction to Wind energy as renewable or sustainable energy source. Topics include wind turbines performance, design, aerodynamics, dynamics, materials fatigue, composite materials, and engineering economics Predicting the severity of asthma attacks based on a data set with ten features(gender, age, outdoor job, outdoor activity, if they smoke, humidity, temperature, pressure, UV index and wind speed). In this project we aim to go through the data analytics process to come up with a good model for predicting asthma attack severity. The dataset was taken from Haque, Radiah. “1191402606/Optimised-Deep-Neural-Network-Model: Dataset and Source Code.” Zenodo, 26 Aug. 2021, https://zenodo.org/record/5271780#.YgBQferMKUl. https://zenodo.org/record/5271780#.Yfr9bOrMKUk Explored concepts ranging from convex constrained and unconstrained optimization problems. Topics discussed: gradient descent, Newton Method, proximal gradient descent, LaGrange multipliers and KKT conditions.