Drew Hamilton drewhamilton.dev github@drewhamilton.dev 104 1 44 435 15 No Language drewhamilton 1 0 A little bit about me.Java RxPreferences 12 0 An RxJava wrapper for Android's SharedPreferencesKotlin Poko 348 12 A Kotlin compiler plugin that generates equals, hashCode, and toString for plain old Kotlin objects in public APIs. InlineDimens 55 0 Android dimension types as inline classes with easy conversions. AndroidDateTimeFormatters 8 2 java.time and ThreeTenBP DateTimeFormatters for Android. Preferoutines 6 1 A collection of extension functions for subscribing to SharedPreferences values as Flows. Skylight 2 0 [Pre-release] A Kotlin interface for determining the time of sunrise, sunset, and similar info for a given location and date. 2021-compose-challenge-1 1 0 Dogs 2021-compose-challenge-3 1 0 Speed SkylightAndroid 1 0 [Pre-release] Android-specific uses of and features for Skylight.